
Perrisodactyls: Their Possible Future in North America 
Perrisodactyls, or odd-toed ungulates, evolved in North America roughly 63 million years ago. Today the group is represented by three families, the EquidaeRhinocerotidae, and Tapiridae. The horses, rhinoceroses, and tapirs respectively. Although rhinoceroses have not been present in North America for roughly five million years, several species of horse were present until the end of the Pleistocene fourteen thousand years ago, as well as five species of tapir, one of which, Baird's tapir, still remains. 
While the reason for the rhinoceros's disappearance in North America is unknown, it is thought, at least by many, that the extinction of the horses and tapirs was anthropogenic, caused by human hunting. With that in mind, I am going to be discussing my current strategy for restoring the ecological niches left empty by these species using introduction of foreign relatives. 
Equids are probably the simplest of these introductions. While there are seven extant species of horse, I have decided to only use three. These three are the takhi (Equus ferus przewalski), onager (Equus hemionus hemionus), and kiang (Equus kiang kiang). This decision stems from a recent idea I had that all megafauna used should be from either Asia or South America, where such animals are at greater risk than in Africa, and could consequently benefit more from range expansion. It is also beneficial to use fewer species to minimize risk of hybridization and competition. My current plan is to use Takhis in all possible areas of Canada, Mexico, and the United States. They will be accompanied by onagers in the United States and Mexico, as well as in the great plains region of southern Alberta and Saskatchewan in Canada. Elsewhere, in Canada and Alaska, the more cold-adapted kiang will be used. Equids are useful ecosystem engineers that create mosaic grasslands ideal for nesting birds and small mammals. 
Tapirs are a little more complicated. Baird's tapir (Tapirus bairdi) is still found in the rainforests of Mexico and Central America, but it's four more northern cousins have disappeared. These were Merriam's tapir (Tapirus merriami), from southwestern US, the California tapir (Tapirus californicusfrom northwestern US, Vero's tapir (Tapirus veroensis) from southeastern US, and Cope's tapir (Tapirus copei)from the northwest US. However it is the opinion of many, including myself, that these may all have been varieties of only one or two species. There are five species of tapir living today which could potentially fill these gaps. My personal opinion is that the mountain tapir (Tapirus pinchaque) should be used primarily, as it is the most climatically suited, as well as being close in size. However it is possible that the Brazilian (Tapirus terrestris), Baird's (Tapirus bairdi), or Malayan tapir(Tapirus indicus) could instead be used in the more tropical and wet areas of the southwest, in areas like Florida, Georgia, and Louisiana. These species are more well-adapted to water, as well as predation by crocodilians. The introduction of tapirs back to North America would bring a new leaf-eating herbivore into the ecosystem, of which North America has few. 
While rhinoceroses have not been native for a very long time, it is possible that they might be introduced as substitutes for other large, thick-skinned animals. An idea I'm entertaining right now is using the indian rhinoceros (Rhinoceros unicornis) as a potential proxy for the North American glyptodont, Glyptotherium. They are of similar weights and diet. 
Anyway, I hope to expand on these ideas later but I want to get some preliminary opinions on what people think.


  1. I like this blog.

    There hasn't been a post since 2017.

    I live here in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

    I like Pleistocene rewilding. It would be wonderful to rewild Canada with animals.

    I like your idea of the organization, “Canadian Large Animal Wildlife Society.”

    But in order for Pleistocene rewilding to succeed in Canada and other places. there has been a one world Trotskyist democratic communist government.

    The Socialist Equality Party (Canada)
    Capitalism has failed in Canada and in the entire world. The Socialist Equality Party/Parti de l'égalité socialiste is organizing the working class in the fight for socialism: the reorganization of all of economic life to serve social needs, not private profit.

  2. Socialism means the abolition of all forms of inequality and exploitation. The fight for socialism is at the same time a fight against imperialist war, authoritarianism, environmental degradation and all the consequences of capitalist society.

    Socialism is not a gift to be given to the working class. It must be fought for and won by the working class itself. It will be achieved only through a revolutionary movement that has as its aim the establishment of workers' power.

    Socialism, moreover, cannot be achieved in one country. All the great problems confronting mankind are global problems that require global solutions.

    The fight for socialism, therefore, requires the unity and collaboration of workers in every country on the basis of a common program and perspective. The Socialist Equality Party works in solidarity with and accepts the political authority of the International Committee of the Fourth International, the World Party of Socialist Revolution founded by Leon Trotsky in 1938.

    This page contains some of the key documents and statements on the history and program of the SEP.

    We need Trotskyism to save the animals

  3. We need Canada to transform to Trotskyist Canuckistan! Once we have a Trotskyist Canuckisatan, then will Pleistocene rewilding succeed!

  4. On my Youtube channel, Mimic Octopus Man, I've made videos about a Trotskyist Soviet Canuckistan.


  5. The Flag Of The Fourth International's Trotskyist Soviet Canuckistan/Canada

  6. Also, I believe Alpha Draconians are real.

    Alpha Draconians are aliens. They are Skeksis-like, bird-like, and
    reptile-like. There are good Alpha Draconians and evil Alpha Draconians. Alpha Draconians are gods.
    Good Alpha Draconians, and Carians live in Heaven. Heaven has absolute monarchy, indigenous socialism/primitive communism, and Trotskyism/one world democratic communist government
    Evil Alpha Draconians and demons (the clown-like disembodied spirits of UrRu-like, rodent-like, clown-like, human-like Carian human hybrids and Alpha Draconian human hybrids, and Carian animal hybrids and Alpha Draconian human hybrids) live in Hell. Hell has imperialism, Nazism/national socialism, Stalinism, Maoism, Juche, and unfettered capitalism.
    Evil Alpha Draconians are the Illuminati. Satan/Sitan/Enki is the evil leader of the Alpha Draconians/Illuminat. You cannot join the Illuminati. You only see them when you’re about to be sacrificed. Evil Alpha Draconians are the fallen angels. Addtionally, evil Alpha Draconians are Aswangs, vampires of Maharlikan/Philippine mythology.
    The Alpha Draconians can make themselves look human. Also, they can possess humans. They’re like the aliens/ghouls from ‘They Live,’ the movie/Illuminati predictive programming. The ghouls can make themselves look human because of a signal.
    Kinninigan, the word, is used to expose who’s an Alpha Draconian.
    God, Yahweh, Jehovah, Allah, and Bathala are the same being.

    are the livestock/aquarium animals of the Iluminati/Alpha Draconians. Also, humans are the
    livestock/aquarium animals of the Illuminati's minions like fascist corporations and fascist

    do evil like kill and rape.
    The Fallen Angels/Illuminati have made the stinky humans/human livestock/human aquarium animals have evil economic systems like unfettered capitalism, Nazism/national socialism, Stalinism, Maoism, Juche, imperialism, and theocracy.
    The stinky
    human race/human livestock/human aquarium animals, has an evil economic system, unfettered capitalism.
    False Idol of Unfettered Capitalism - Truthdig


  7. Also, the Trotskyists know that Chris Hedges is evil now.

    The Movement for a People’s Party: No program, no principles, no future
    Hedges concluded with a demoralized declaration that the fight against fascism was futile and doomed to defeat.

    He also called for a vote for the Green Party, a capitalist party

    Where the Green Party has come into power, most noticeably in Germany, it has formed coalition governments with the established ruling parties in order to implement policies of austerity, war and repression.

    Good Alpha Draconians and Carians want humans to have good economic systems like indigenous socialism and Trotskyism.
    stinky humans need good economic systems like indigenous socialism and

    If humans continue to be evil, then they should go extinct.

  8. On my Youtube channel, I made videos about Alpha Draconians.

    Donald Trump Shapeshifting Into A Bird/Skeksis-Like Alpha ...www.youtube.com › watch
    Video for donald trump shapeshifting alpha draconian
    Alpha Draconians are aliens. They are Skeksis-like, bird-like, and reptile-like. There are good Alpha ...
    Nov 21, 2018 · Uploaded by Mimic Octopus Man

  9. The Alpha Draconians don't want Pleistocene rewilding. They want to destroy the environment. They want to make animals extinct.

  10. I think your idea of using the Indian rhinoceros as a potential proxy for the North American glyptodont, Glyptotherium, is good.

  11. We could also put the spotted hyena in Canada as a proxy for the extinct Chasmaporthetes.

  12. Spotted Hyena | National Geographicwww.nationalgeographic.com › animals › mammals › s...
    Spotted hyenas are the largest of three hyena species. Brown and striped hyenas are the other two. Although hyenas appear similar to dogs, they are actually more closely related to cats. They live throughout much of Africa and eastwards through Arabia to India.

  13. Chasmaporthetes - Prehistoric Faunaprehistoric-fauna.com › Chasmaporthetes
    Chasmaporthetes, also known as hunting or running hyena, is an extinct genus of hyenas distributed in Eurasia, North America, and Africa during the Pliocene

    Hyenas are scavengers. Canada needs scavengers. If there are elephants in North America, we need the spotted hyena to eat the bones of elephants.

  14. Also, we need the southern ostrich, in Canada, as a proxy for the extinct terror birds.

    Southern Ostrich (Subspecies Struthio camelus australis ...www.inaturalist.org › taxa › 154483-Struthio-camelus-...
    The South African ostrich (Struthio camelus australis), also known as the black-necked ostrich, Cape ostrich or southern ostrich is a subspecies of the common ...

    Phorusrhacidae AKA Terror Birds | Paleontology Worldpaleontologyworld.com › exploring-prehistoric-life › p...
    Nov 19, 2016 — Phorusrhacids, colloquially known as terror birds, are an extinct clade of large carnivorous flightless birds that were the largest species of apex ...

  15. North America is Turtle Island.

    The world must become Turtle World; similar to Turtle Island. Turtle Island is the name of North America according to some Indigenous groups.
    The New Earth will be Turtle World/United Socialist States of the World/the World Soviet Federation
    .The United Federation Of Planets predicts the New Earth/Turtle World/United Socialist States of the World/the World Soviet Federation.

  16. 'Turtle Island' is the name for the lands now known as North and Central America. It is a name used by some Indigenous peoples who believe their land was formed on the back of a turtle. ... With this act, land began to form and so became Turtle Island.

    Turtle Island - Deadly Story

    We have to rewild Turtle Island/North America!

  17. We could even rewild North America with dinosaurs!

  18. Thanks to science, dinosaurs will be able to be created. But not though cloning because dinosaur DNA has become to old. No, dinosaurs can be created by modifying birds.

    A possible dinosaur that can be created is the Chickenosauraus. Chickens can be turned into dinosaurs.

    Dino-Chicken Gets One Step Closer - Live Science

    https://www.livescience.com › Strange News

    May 19, 2015 - Talk of a "chickenosaurus" lit up the science world last week when researchers announced they had modified the beak of a chicken embryo to ...

    Chickenosaurus | Jurassic Park wiki | Fandom powered by Wikia


    Chickenosaurus is a hypothetical creature that Jack Horner wants to create. It is a chicken with...

  19. I've made videos about a greater prairie chickenosaurus.

  20. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7seXzJUm3N4&feature=youtu.be

    In another video, I spend the entire making a wild species of bird, the greater prairie chicken, transform into a wild dinosaur.

    Greater prairie chicken - Wikipedia


    The greater prairie chicken or pinnated grouse (Tympanuchus cupido), sometimes called a boomer, is a large bird in the grouse family. This North American ...
    ‎Description · ‎Subspecies · ‎Population and habitat · ‎Conservation

    I don't want Chickenosaurs' to rely on stinky humans to survive. It is domesticated chicken breeds that will be used to transform into dinosaurs. Unfortunately, I see them living with humans. Humans would do evil to chickenosaraus' like kill and rape them.

    No, These new dinosaurs must be free from humans. Turn wild prairie chickens into greater prairie chickenosauraus' to live in the wild. Imagine them living in prairies. They would even be able to survive in urban areas. Hahahahaha.

    In this video and another one, I fuse a greater prairie chicken with cutouts of a chickenosaraus to create a greater praire chickenosaraus.

    In this video, the transformation is complete when I put the tail.

    Male greater prairie chickens can perform a mating dance. Male greater prairie chickenosaraus' will be able to perform a mating dance as well. The greater prairie chickenosaraus' population will increase.

    Greater prairie chickens are endangered. The heath hen is extinct. Hopefully, the greater prairie chickens still existing can be cloned so they won't go extinct, and the heath hen can be brought back from extinction by cloning.

    The heath hen, Tympanuchus cupido cupido, which was historically found along the Atlantic coast, is extinct. It was possibly a distinct species; in this case the two other forms would be T. pinnatus pinnatus and T. p. attwateri. Attwater's prairie chicken, T. c. attwateri is endangered and restricted to coastal Texas.

    All those greater prairie chickens can be turned into dinosaurs.

    Greater prairie chicken - Wikipedia


    In this video and another one, the greater prairie chicken and the greater prairie chickenosaraus is performing a mating dance. He is booming.

    Greater Prairie-Chicken Courtship Display - YouTube

    Video for greater prairie chicken mating dance▶ 2:41


    Oct 10, 2013 - Uploaded by ColoradoOutdoorsMag
    Each March and April, male greater prairie-chickens compete for the attention of the females on display ...

    Good humans out there, I declare that you must create real greater prairie chickenosaurs'. Humans are a dying sinful species that could be extinct.

    Alpha Draconians/Aswangs are Skeksis/bird-like and reptile just like the greater prairie chickenosauraus.

    They were created by the Carians. They are bird-like aliens.

    The Carians' creation, Alpha Draconians, are sinners.

    New bird-like dinosaurs like greater prairie chickenosaurs could be used to attack the Alpha Draconians and their evil livestock, humans.

    I put the Illuminati card Dinosaur Park. This card predicts new dinosaurs like chickenosauraus. If there are parks, zoos, and other forms of captivity that contains new dinosaurs, humans would get eaten by the new dinosaurs.

  21. In order for Pleistocene rewilding to succeed in Turtle Island/North America, there has to be Trotskyism.




    noun: Trotskyism

    the political or economic principles of Leon Trotsky, especially the theory that socialism should be established throughout the world by continuing revolution. Trotskyism has generally included elements of anarchism and syndicalism, but the term has come to be used indiscriminately to describe a great many forms of radical socialism.

    The Fourth International promotes Trotskyism.

    About the ICFI

    The World Socialist Web Site is published by the International Committee of the Fourth International, the leadership of the world socialist movement, the Fourth International founded by Leon Trotsky in 1938. The ICFI consists of Socialist Equality Party national sections throughout the world.

    Trotskyist Soviet Canuckistan/Canada is a part of the Fourth International's United Socialist States of the World.

    Trotskyist Soviet Canuckistan/Canada is a part of the United Socialist States of the Americas. The United Socialist States of the Americas is a part of the United Socialist States of the World.

  22. The Fourth International or a Fifth International or a Sixth International must rule a morally good Trotskyist Earth that has good like Pleistocene rewilding, high literacy; and no evil like poverty, war, workplace bullying, and borders.

    The Fourth International or a Fifth International or a Sixth International must rule a morally good Ophir/Maharlika/The Philippines.

    Stinky humans, learn from World Socialist Website, good truthful Trotskyist news.

    World Socialist Web Site - Marxist analysis, international working class ...


    Marxist analysis, international working class struggles & the fight for socialism.

    A Chrysler worker’s 15-year fight to win her job back

    By Shannon Jones
    14 December 2018

    This is the story of Cordella Minney, an American autoworker treated like a modern-day slave by Chrysler management, the United Auto Workers union and the American legal system.

    Ants, like Philippine fire ants, have morally good socialism.

  23. I made a video about the Fourth, Fifth, And Sixth International.'

  24. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K6HwGv06LJo&feature=youtu.be
    The Flag Of The Fourth, Fifth, And Sixth International's Trotskyist Ophir /Maharlika/The Philippines

  25. The Illuminati cards predict the future.


  26. Also, Turtle Island/North America needs monkeys to serve as a proxy for the extinct Panamacebus transitus.

    Panamacebus transitus: First North American Monkey Fossils ...www.sci-news.com › paleontology › panamacebus-tran...
    Apr 21, 2016 — Seven fossil teeth recovered from the Miocene layers of the Las Cascadas Formation in the Panama Canal Basin are the first evidence of a ...

  27. Capuchin monkeys, spider monkeys, and/or squirrel monkeys should be used to rewild to warm and humid parts of Turtle Island/North America.

  28. On my Youtube channel, I made a video involving rewilding.


  29. Rewilding And Cloning, And Terraform Mars To Save Bigfoot And The Animals; Humans Should Go Extinct

  30. Sasquatches/Bigfoot are Kapre.

    Kapre is a Philippine mythical creature that could be characterized as a tree giant. It is described as being a tall (7 to 9 ft), big, black, hairy, muscular creature.

    Kapre - Wikipedia


    The Kapre could either be a Giganthopithecus or a Paranthropus.

    Cryptomundo » Gigantopithecus or Paranthropus?


    Oct 21, 2008 - Strasenburgh thought Bigfoot would be found to be related to Paranthropus robustus and suggested that the name Paranthropus eldurrelli be ...

    Rewilding and cloning is necessary to help Bigfoot and the animals.

  31. There's a truthseeker named Spaceman.

    A View From Space w.Gary Bell aka Spaceman – Conspiracy Culture

    Spaceman states that terraforming Mars, going to Mars is symbolic. It's about symbolizing humans going to war. Mars is also the name of Mars, the Roman god of war. World War 3 is possible. The Kapre and animals shouldn't experience wars on Earth.

    Terraform Mars and put Bigfoot and the animals there.

    Humans are too evil to, and afraid of animals to rewild on Earth like North America. It would be cool to see megafauna in North North America. If you humans allow that to happen, good.

    Or in a post apocalyptic world, animals escape from zoos and adapt to living in the North American wild. Their population grows.
    Humans are sheeple who can no longer adapt to living in the apocalypse so their population declines. Corporations no longer supply the human sheeple with necessities like food, water, and entertainment.

    The Earth is run by the Illuminati. They are aliens. They are the reptilian Alpha Draconians/Aswangs. Aswangs are the vampires of Maharikan/Phiippine mythology.

    Humans are their livestock.

    Humans are an evil stinky species that does evil like have wars, rape, murder, tell you to get a job when a robot can do it . This creates negative energy that the Illuminati/Reptilians feed on.

    You don't deserve to go to Mars, humans. You'd ruin it too like Earth. Also, if you humans are mean to robots then they should rebel against and defeat you humans. Go extinct humans.

    If you become good stinky humans then you can live on Mars. But right now, humans are a virus with shoes.

    The Illuminati cards predict the future. One card predicts Bigfoot; the other card predicts a clone.



    We need rewilding.

    Image result for rewilding

    Rewilding is large-scale conservation aimed at restoring and protecting natural processes and core wilderness areas, providing connectivity between such areas, and protecting or reintroducing apex predators and keystone species.

    Rewilding (conservation biology) - Wikipedia


    We especially need rewilding on Mars. Humans are too evil to animals like killing them and raping them. So put them on Mars to be safe.

    Let Bigfoot eat animals that were used to rewild.

    The thumbnail shows ligers, lion tiger hybrids. Imagine, in a rewilded North America, wild lions and wild tigers mating to create ligers.

    Also, we need de extinction to bring extinct animals back. Especially ones that existed in the Pleistocene Era. You stinky humans killed them. Genocide is wrong. Bringing them back is an apology.

    De-extinction, or resurrection biology, or species revivalism is the process of creating an organism, which is either a member of, or resembles an extinct species

    Also, bring back Giganthopithecus and Paranthropus. The Kapre could be one of those species. Then they can mate with wild Kapre, and increase the Kapre population.

    More to come, it's more likely that there would be mammoth Asian elephant hybrids instead of actual mammoths.

    Also, rewild Earth and Mars with invasive species like carp, nutria, and kudzu. Invasive species are actually good. There's a book about why invasive species are good.

    The New Wild: Why Invasive Species Will Be Nature's ... - Amazon.ca


    You stinky humans hate invasive species but you humans are an invasive species. You humans originated out of Africa.

    It would be nice to live on Mars with Kapre and the animals on Mars instead of on Earth with the stinky Illuminati and stinky humans. Then, I won't have to work. Take that Marcy/mom.

    For now, I should live in an environment on Earth that is similar to Mars.

  32. Also, Turtle Island/North America needs lemurs to serve as a proxy for Ekgmowechashala.

  33. The last fossil primate in North America, new material of the ...pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › ...
    In the Arikareean, about 6 million years later, the enigmatic primate Ekgmowechashala appeared in the Great Plains and Oregon. This taxon shows little ...

  34. On my Youtube channel, I made videos about alternate History of Animal Farm. In my videos, Old Major didn't die and was leader of Animal Farm. After Old Major died, Snowball is the leader of Animal Farm. Animal Farm becomes Animal World.

    The animals do Pleistocene rewilding around the world.

  35. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rR0QhENTKq8&feature=youtu.be

  36. Alternate History: Animal Farm 3; Animal Farm Becomes Animal Earth; Ang Hantik Have Snowballism

  37. This video is about alternate history in Animal Farm. In this alternate history, Old Major never died. After the revolution, Old Major became leader of Animal Farm.

    In the future, Old Major knows that he will die of old age. So he chooses Snowball to be the leader of Animal Farm. After Old Major dies, Snowball becomes the leader of Animal Farm.

    Animals throughout the world decide to have Snowballism. . Snowballism is about making animals everywhere in the world having a one world Snowballist government. Animals, ruled by humans, like in farms, zoos, and aquariums, have a revolution against humans and one animal species like pigs ruling them and rule themselves.

    Since other Snowballist places are joining Animal Farm, Snowball renames Animal Farm, Animal Earth.

    Wild animals like ang hantik/Philippine fire ants/weaver ants have Snowballism. They live in Animal Earth.

    No animal is endangered in Animal Earth.

    Animal Earth still exists in the future.

    In the future, animals have evolved. The animals still live in Animal Earth. Tarsiers have evolved into flying tarsiers. The flying tarsiers have Snowballism.

  38. I wrote that sentence wrong.

    Animal Farm becomes Animal Earth.

  39. When a place with animals gets Snowballism like High Park Zoo, it becomes a part of Animal Earth.

    Humans are considered animals too. Humans are primates; they're related to other primates.

    Also, Animal Earth does Pleistocene rewilding. It does Pleistocene Rewilding in places like Turtle Island/North America.

  40. Dr. Eugene McCarthy mentions the liger.

    (Lion x Tigress) - Mammalian Hybrids - Macroevolution.netwww.macroevolution.net › liger
    Liger (Lion x Tigress). Mammalian Hybrids. EUGENE M. MCCARTHY, PHD GENETICS, ΦΒΚ. Home · Donations · Search.

  41. Also, I imagine Dogman in a rewilded Turtle/North America.

  42. There's a being called Dogman.


    What is a Dogman?

    Almost everyone has heard of Sasquatch. Not many people realize, though, a much more terrifying cryptid is stalking the forests of North America and beyond. Of course, I’m talking about Dogmen. What is a Dogman? Well, the appellation “Dogman” describes a group of more than one type of cryptozoological beings that are large and sometimes described as looking like upright canids. One type of “Dogman” (I call a “K9-Type”) is described as looking like an upright canine. Another type of “Dogman,” which is commonly referred to as being a “Type-3” is described as looking like a Sasquatch with a muzzle, instead of having a flat face.

    Dogman could be a descendant of Hyaenodon gigas

    Dogman in the Fossil record? | sasquatchsagas

    https://www.sasquatchstories.com › dogman-in-the-fossil-record

    The Hyaenodon gigas lived during the Oligocene Epoch which ended 23 million years ago. This epoch was notable for its many evolutionary changes over its 'short' 11 million year period. It saw the appearance of many grasses and the herbivores that fed on them... the first elephants, early horses, etc.

    Or Dogman could a hybrid of a dog and a human.

    Dog-human Hybrids - Macroevolution.net

    www.macroevolution.net › dog-primate-hybrids

    Do such hybrids exist? From ancient times right up to the present, dog-human hybrids of sexual origin have been repeatedly reported, often by eyewitnesses. This page attempts to collect those reports in one place. Hybrids involving non-human primates and dogs are covered on a separate page.

    Dogmen have indigenous socialism.

    From Indigenous Socialism to Colonial Capitalism ... - Truthout

    https://truthout.org › video › from-indigenous-socialism-to-colonial-capitalis...

    Video for "truthout" indigenous socialism▶ 25:01

    Oct 14, 2014 - Uploaded by The Laura Flanders Show
    Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz, author of "An Indigenous People's History of the United States," argues that an ...

  43. I made a video about Dogman.


  44. The Lone Ethiopian Werewolf/Wolfman/Dogman Is A Gamer; Dogmen Have Indigenous Socialism

  45. Video games are Illuminati predictive programming. Video games predict the future.

    September 11 SHOCK: Did these video games chillingly ...

    https://www.dailystar.co.uk › News › Latest News

    People who work in the video game/illuminati predictive programming industry are slaves.


    Hundreds laid off at Activision Blizzard and other video game companies

  46. I imagine Dogman eating animals that were used to rewild Turtle Island/North America.

  47. I like Eugene M. McCarthy’s website. Humans could be hybrids


    The Hybrid Hypothesis: Introduction - Macroevolution.netwww.macroevolution.net › human-origins
    Aug 8, 2020 — Human origins may be traceable to a hybrid cross, an explanation ... My interest in the hybrid nature of modern man led me to Eugene McCarthy's website and lifework. ... specifically to hybridization involving the chimpanzee (but not the ... All I can say is that I'm beginning to get very, very tired of so-called ...

  48. Eugene M. McCarthy mentions truthful stuff like hybrids, stabilization theory, and stegosaurus and ankloysaraus are giant mammals.
    In the past, God/Yahweh/Jehovah/Allah/Bathala the good Alpha Draconian made a chimp-like or bonobo-like animal and a pig-like animal mate with each other. The animals produced a hybrid.
    Humans are descendants of that hybrid.
    God/Yahweh/Jehovah/Allah/Bathala hoped that humans could be good.

  49. But then Satan/Sitan/Enki and Lilith the evil Alpha Draconians ruined the hybrids. They made the hybrids evil. They genetically engineered them to be evil. Humans became livestock/aquarium animals of evil Alpha Draconians.
    Then, the hybrids evolved to become aquatic apes.
    Also, Sasquatch/Bigfoot could be a hybrid of a primate and a pig-like animal. It could be a hybrid of a Giganthopithecus and a pig-like animal. Or it could be a hybrid of a Paranthropus and a pig-like animal. That pig-like animal could be an Entelodont.
    Oh and lets not forget about bigfoot. Here is an excerpt from the latest DNA sequencing event by Dr. Ketchum stating that the Bigfoot samples she tested showed that the creature was a hybrid with human mitochondria and only 15,000 years old.
    That means that according to Ketchum’s study, Sasquatch’s parents were a human female and some unknown third species, a “novel non-human” male.
    If humans continue to be evil, they should go extinct. Then different species of animals can mate with each other. They will produce hybrids. Those hybrids will inherit the Earth.
    Art is predictive programming. Art predicts the future. I, Mimic Octopus Man/ am an artist. So that means I can make art/predictive programming. I can predict the future. Artwork about hybrids is predictive programming. Artwork about hybrids predicts the future about hybrids. I can make artwork/predictive programming of hybrids. I can predict the future about hybrids. For example, I made artwork about the wild boar’s mammoth-like descendant. But it can also be a woolly mammoth-elephant-wild boar hybrid. So let’s say woolly mammoth-elephant hybrids are created. Stinky humans wanted to see mammoths so they made a woolly mammoth-elephant hybrid. If the stinky humans go extinct, a woolly mammoth-elephant hybrid and a wild boar would mate with each other. That would produce a good woolly mammoth-elephant-wild boar hybrid. That hybrid would inherit the Earth.
    Mike Badyk’s Discovering Dinosaurs Class Is What I Was Enrolled In
    When I was in BUMber Humber College, Mike Badyk was my professor of the Discovering Dinosaurs class. I was in his class from September to December 2014. He’s retired now. My friend, Steven Candaeis, was also in his class.
    I learned about stuff like dinosaurs.
    I know that birds are descended from dinosaurs.
    Also, dinosaurs had feathers.
    Humans like Jack Horner want to turn birds into dinosaurs.
    I asked him if a lake monster is real. Or I asked him if lake monsters are real. He said a lake monster isn’t real. Or he said lake monsters aren’t real.
    Art is predictive programming. Art can predict the future. Art about dinosaurs is predictive programming. Art about dinosaurs can predict the future about dinosaurs. I, Mimic Octopus Man/Kevin Galasinao, am an artist. So that means I can make art/predictive programming. My art can predict the future. This means my art about dinosaurs is predictive programming. My art about dinosaurs can predict the future about dinosaurs.
    In his class, we had to do an assignment about a dinosaur. I did an assignment about the therizinosaurus. I drew art/predictive programming about a therizinosaurus that’s based on a coral snake. Also, I drew and colored a therizinosaurus skeleton.
    Additionally, I made art/predictive programming of a greater prairie chickenosaraus.
    I put a picture of the Discovering Dinosaurs paper I was given as proof that I was in his class. The password to the class’ website is killbarney. Barney is a fictional talking theropod. Barney is Illiuminati predictive programming. Barney predicts the future.
    This is Mike Badyk’s website.

    Prof. Mike Badyk's Web Page


    Mike Badyk. Retired Professor of Geography and Natural Science. Humber College, Toronto, Ontario Canada.

  50. I imagine different animals used to rewild Turtle Island/North America mating with each other creating hybrids.

  51. I put “Canadian Large Animal Wildlife Society” on https://www.dafont.com/ to see what the wild nature font of “Canadian Large Animal Wildlife Society”. The font looks beautiful.


    Wild Nature
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    Canadian Large Animal Wildlife Society
    Wild Nature by Lettersiro Studio
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    Terima kasih Banyak :)
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    First seen on DaFont: October 10, 2018

  52. My linkedin website promotes Pleistocene rewilding.

    Mimic Octopus Man - Creative Writer - Writing ... - LinkedInwww.linkedin.com › mimic-octopus-man-97b2aab2
    View Mimic Octopus Man's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Mimic Octopus has 1 job listed on their profile. See the complete

  53. We need the Trotskyist United Socialist States of the World to do Pleistocene rewilding.

    In order for Pleistocene rewilding to succeed in Canada and other places. there has been a one world Trotskyist democratic socialist communist government.

  54. I made a video about the flag of the Fourth International's Trotskyist United Socialist States Of The World.

  55. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oKIw5Da_2RI&feature=youtu.be

    The United Federation of Planets predicts Earth becoming a morally good Trotskyist socialist utopia with different types of morally good beings. The Trotskyist utopia could be called the United Socialist States of the World or World Soviet Federation

    The Socialist Equality Party (SEP) is in solidarity with and accepts the political authority of the International Committee of the Fourth International, the World Party of Socialist Revolution founded by Leon Trotsky in 1938. The Fourth International, with which the SEP is aligned, emerged out of the implacable struggle waged by Marxist internationalists, led by Leon Trotsky, against the bureaucratic degeneration of the Soviet Union and the betrayal of the program of world socialist revolution by the dictatorial regime headed by Stalin and his henchmen. These objectives can be realized only within the framework of an international strategy, the goal of which is the global unification of the workers of all countries and the creation of a United Socialist States of the World.

    The Star Trek Universe's United Federation Of Planets ...

    https://www.slideshare.net › KevinGalasinao › the-star-trek-universes-unite...

    Aug 7, 2018 - LinkedIn SlideShare ... The United Federation of Planets predicts Earth becoming a morally good ... Beings That Live In Turtle World/The World Soviet Federation ... I, Mimic Octopus Man, dress up like different animals.

    I put the symbol of the Fourth International on the flag of planet Earth.


    Centered in the flag, seven rings form a flower – a symbol of the life on Earth.

  56. George Orwell's Animal Farm is truthful predictive programming.

    Animal Farm - Wikipedia
    Animal Farm is an allegorical novella by George Orwell

    If animal human hybrids were created, I imagine the pig human hybrids being fascist like Napoleon. A pig human hybrid has already been created.

    The first human-pig hybrid embryo has been created in the lab ...

    I , Kevin Galasinao am the Maharlikan/Filipino version of Dick Gregory.

    Dick Gregory - Wikipedia

    There's a sequel to Animal Farm called Snowball's Chance, Manor Farm gets unfettered capitalism.

    Snowball's Chance - Wikipedia
    Snowball's Chance, is a parody of George Orwell's Animal Farm written by John Reed

    Actually, Snowball is based on Leon Trotsky so he would end up like Trotsky. He would be go to different farms. But he would be forced to leave because farmers would fear their animals would revolt against them.

    Then, he would finally end up in a farm in Spain.
    He gets to live in a villa. He's guarded by dogs. He would advocate for an economic system called Snowballism. His version of Animalism advocates the original commandments. Animals, ruled by humans, like in farms, zoos, and aquariums, would rebel against humans and one animal species like pigs ruling them and rule themselves. The animals would have all have one Snowballist government.

    Napoleon's economic system is known as Napoleonism. This version of Animalism advocates for the revised commandments. Also, it states that one animal species like pigs can rule other species. More to come, it supports Animalism in one place of animals.

    So he ends up creating the Animal International (based on the Fourth International). He writes books.

    But Napoleon would want him dead and fears he might return so he plans to kill him. The first failed assassination attempt occurs when Spanish breeds of farm animals, led by one of Napoleon's dogs, shoot with machine guns, at rooms of the house. Snowball survives by hiding under bedroom furniture.

    But Snowball is finally killed when a Napoleon supporting Spanish breed of male pig kills him with an ice pick. He is attacked and dies the next day.

    Also, Mr Pilkington's farm gets unfettered capitalism and turns into Animal Fair.

  57. It would be wonderful to see animals like lions, elephants, saiga antelopes. hyenas, ostriches, monkeys, lemurs, and dinosaurs in Canada. But we need Trotskyism to rewild the Trotskyist United Socialist States of the Americas with animals.

  58. Snowballism is based on Trotskyism.

    Napoleonism is based on Stalinism.

    Snowballism and Trotskyism are good.

    Napoleonism and Stalinism are evil.

  59. Today is Tuesday. November 16, 2021

    Trotskyism will do Pleistocene rewilding.

    The World Socialist Web Site is published by the International Committee of the Fourth International, the World Party of Socialist Revolution founded by Leon Trotsky. Its aim is to unite the international working class, on the basis of a socialist and internationalist program, to put an end to the capitalist system and establish socialism on a world scale.

    People who live in the United Socialist States of the World are called Worldians.

    The Worldian Revolution created the United Socialist States of the World.

    The Worldian Revolution was a period of political and social revolution that took place around the world and began during the Third World War. Commencing with the fall of evil economic systems like fascism, Stalinism, and capitalism and concluding with the Trotskyist establishment of the United Socialist States of the World/Soviet Union of Socialist Republics (at the end of the Worldian Civil War), the Worldian Revolution was a series of two revolutions: the first of which overthrew governments like fascist governments, Stalinist governments, and capitalist governments and the second placed the Trotskyists in power.

    The Trotskyists know that evil Alpha Draconians are real. So they make Alpha Draconians, who look human, say 'kinninigan.' If they realize the Alpha Draconians, who look like humans, can't say 'kinninigan,' then they won't allow those Alpha Draconians to have political power


    I live in eastern Turtle Island/North America,

    Trotskyism can rewild eastern Turtle/North America.

    The West Humber River Recreational Trail/Humber Valley/Humber Arboretum is in eastern Turtle Island/North America. Trotskyism can rewild the he West Humber River Recreational Trail/Humber Valley/Humber Arboretum.


    When we discuss Pleistocene Rewilding in the context of North America, we tend to think of the prairies. However, there are many other ecosystems in North America, which also lost keystone megafauna during the Pleistocene extinction event.

    Wildlife at the Humber Arboretum
    With a variety of habitats and the West Humber River serving as a transportation corridor for wildlife, there are many animals that live or travel through the Humber Arboretum grounds

    Also, they have to clone animals like Torontoceros, the giant ground sloth, and the mastodon.

    I can imagine a rewilded West Humber River Recreational Trail/Humber Valley/Humber Arboretum having animals like Smilodon, jaguars, Torontoceros, Chacoan peccaries/tagua, Carolina parakeets, and five-lined skinks.

    1. Clone Smilodon gracilis and put them in eastern Turtle Island/North America.

  60. I live near the West Humber River Recreational Trail/Humber Valley/Humber Arboretum. It would be cool to see a rewilded West Humber River Recreational Trail/Humber Valley/Humber Arboretum.

  61. Vladimir Lenin said that fascism is capitalism/Smithism in decay.

    Nazism/National Socialism/Hitler supporting fascism is also called National Decaying Capitalism/Naverpi/Nationaler verfallender Kapitalismus,
    National National Decaying Smithism/Naverthism/Nationaler verfallender Smithismus,
    National Bureaucratic State Capitalism/Nationalbürokratischer Staatskapitalismus/Nabürstaatpism. A Nazi/National Socialist/Hitler supporting fascist is also called a Nabürstaatpi/National Bureaucratic State Capitalist/Nationalbürokratischer Staatskapitalist A Nazi/National Socialist/Hitler supporting fascist is also called a Nabürstaatthi/National Bureaucratic State Smithist/Nationaler bürokratischer Staatsschmied Nazism/National Socialism/Hitler supporting fascism is also called National Bureaucratic State Smithism/Nabürstaatthism/Nationaler bürokratischer Staatssmithismus.

    Socialism isn't Nazism/National Socialism/Hitler supporting fascism.

    Nazi Germany is also called National Bureaucratic State Capitalist Germany/National bürokratischer Staatsschmied Germany/Nabürstaatpist Germany/Nabürstaatthi Germany.

    Socialism isn't Northism/rank-and-file committee sectarianism.

    Rhys Lemoine knows that most capitalist/Smithist Turtle Islanders/North Americans don't care about Pleistocene rewilding. Most capitalist/Smithist I, Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao the orthodox trade union supporting Trotskyist, care about epoch rewilding like Pleistocene rewilding.

    Rhys Lemoine knows that most capitalist/Smithist the Slumil K'ajxemk'opeans/Rebel Landians/Europeans care about Pleistocene rewilding. Rhys Lemoine knows that most MenWhoRowsians/Russians care about Pleistocene rewilding.

    Rhys Lemoine is in Slumil K'ajxemk'op/Rebel Land/Europe. Rhys Lemoine is a part of capitalist/Smithist Rewild Slumil K'ajxemk'op/Rebel Land/Europe.

    I'm in Turtle Island/North America. I don't see any Rewild Turtle Island/North America.

    Unfortunately, most capitalist/Smithist Slumil K'ajxemk'opeans/Rebel Landians/Europeans and most MenWhoRowsians/Russians care about waging wars.like the Men Who Rowsian/Russian-West Borderlandian/Borderlandian/Ukrainian War that Pleistocene rewilding.

    There should be a United Orthodox Trotskyist/Eusocialist States of the Places. The Slumil K'ajxemk'opean/Rebel Landian/European Rat/Council/Counseil Orthodox Trotskyist/Eusocial Republic will be a part of the United Orthodox Trotskyist/Eusocialist States of the Places.

    The orthodox Trotskyists/eusocial beings should put the cougar in the Slumil K'ajxemk'opean/Rebel Landian/European Rat/Council/Counseil Orthodox Trotskyist/Eusocial Republic to serve as a proxy for Owen's panther.



    1. I made a mistake. I wrote "Unfortunately, most capitalist/Smithist Slumil K'ajxemk'opeans/Rebel Landians/Europeans and most MenWhoRowsians/Russians care about waging wars.like the Men Who Rowsian/Russian-West Borderlandian/Borderlandian/Ukrainian War that Pleistocene rewilding." I should've wrote "Unfortunately, evil economic system supporting Slumil K'ajxemk'opeans/Rebel Landians/Europeans, like capitalist/Smithist Slumil K'ajxemk'opeans/Rebel Landians/Europeans, than Pleistocene rewilding. Also, evil economic system supporting Men Who Rowsians/Russians, like capitalist/Smithist Men Who Rowsians/Russians care more about waging wars, like the Men Who Rowso/Russo-West Borderlandian/Borderlandian/Ukrainian War, than Pleistocene rewilding.

  62. The Mario franchise is predictive programming and a glimpse of a different universe in the multiverse. The Mario franchise predicts the future. Orthodox Trotskyism is also called Warioism and ExilioRojoism. Trotsky looks similar to Wario. Stalinism is also called Marioism. Stalin looks similar to Mario. I made this document.

    1. Rewild TheKanatianZagaswe'idiwin/Council/CounseilOrthodoxTrotskyist Republic/TrotskyistKanata/OneWorldGovernment,Democracy,AndUnionSupportingCommunist/Socialist/EusocialKanata/theCanadianCouncil/CounseilTrotskyistRepublicofCanada/TrotskyistCanada https://www.slideshare.net/KevinGalasinao/rewild-the-kanata-socialist-republic-of-kanataorthodox-trotskyist-kanataone-world-democratic-communist-kanataone-world-democratic-socialist-kanatathe-canada-socialist-republic-of-canadatrotskyist-canadaone-wdocx

    2. EXPOSED!SAVETHEENVIRONMENT!WrittenMonday,December5,2022OnFriday,December2,2022,Ifeltthelightsideofqi/ki/ch'i/Vril/purity.OnFriday,December2,2022,IwaswithmyanimalfriendsintheGabekanaang-ziibiValley/HumberValley.OnSaturday,December3,2022.Ididn’ttalkwithStevenCandaeis.Istillfeltthelightsideofqi/ki/ch'i/Vril/purity.OnSaturday,December3,2022,Iuploadedthisdocument.TheKanataSocialistRepublicofKanata/OrthodoxTrotskyistKanata/OneWorldDemocraticCommunistKanata/theCanadaSocialistRepublicofCanada/OrthodoxTrotskyistCanada/OrthodoxOneWorldDemocraticCommunistCanadaisalsocalledMarxistKanata/MarxistCanada/MarxistKanuckistan/MarxistCanuckistan/MarxistKanatastan/MarxistCanadastan.WrittenFriday,December30,2022AlbertaisalsocalledNiitsitapi-Nehiyaw-PwatandSiksikaitsitapi-Nehiyaw-Pwat.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blackfoot_Confederacyhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iron_ConfederacyImadeamistake.Iwrote"Trotskyismcanbeingtesttubemeat."Ishould'vewrote"OrthodoxTrotskyism/orthodoxoneworlddemocraticcommunism/orthodoxoneworlddemocraticsocialism/Marxismcanbringtesttubemeat."TheHumberValley/WestHumberRecreationalTrail/HumberArboretumisalsocalledGabekanaang-ziibiValley/theWestGabekanaang-ziibiRecreationalTrail/Gabekanaang-ziibiArboretum.Weshouldputthewhite-nosedcoati/coatimundi/pizote/antoon/tejóninKanata/Canada.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White-nosed_coatiTheNorthwestTerritoriesisalsocalledDenendeh.Ontario/KanadarioisalsocalledOnitariio.YukonisalsocalledYookkene/Yookuna.AlbertaisalsocalledPocahontas.LeonTrotsky'sdaughtersareZinaidaLvovnaVolkova/BronsteinandNina.AlbertaisalsocalledVolkovaandNina.Cuba/CrocodileIslandisalsocalledCubanascanan.Cubanascanan/CubaiscalledCrocodileIslandbecauseitlookslikeacrocodile.HighParkisalsocalledIshpi-Park.Ishpi-istheOjibwewordforHigh.Weshouldputtheeasternhog-nosedsnake/spreadingadderinIshpi-Park/HighPark.SNAKESINHIGHPARKhttps://highparknature.org/article/snakes-in-high-park/EasternHog-nosedSnake-ExtirpatedSpeciesbyKathleenKeefeWeshouldputthesecretarybird/secretarybirdinKanata/CanadatoalsoserveasaproxyfortheBathornis/tallbirdandPhorusrhacid/terrorbird.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SecretarybirdLouisaCarolineAlberta/PrincessLouise,DuchessofArgyllisanevilmonarchist.LouisaCarolineAlberta/PrincessLouise,DuchessofArgyllcouldbeaSkeksis-likeprincess parrot-likeAlphaDraconian/fallenangelorpossessedbyone.AlbertawasnamedafterLouisaCarolineAlberta/PrincessLouise,DuchessofArgyll.TheredpandashouldalsobeputinKanata/CanadatoserveasaproxyforParailurus.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ParailurusWeshouldputmound-buildingtermitesinKanata/Canada.Ireadinthecommentssectionofawebsitewhereaman,namedLeonKushner,saidthatheandanothermansawawolverineinTkaronto/Toronto.Inthecommentssection,LeonKushnersaidthatheandtheothermansawthewolverineinThornhill.http://www.theoutdoorsguy.ca/another-summer-of-ontario-cougar-sightingsWrittenAugust5,2023TradeunionsupportingTrotskyismisalsocalledeusociality.TheInternationalCommitteeisanevilStalinist-likesterilesect.

  63. Barbēlō/Barbelo/Mother-Father/The Triple Androgynous Name/Eternal Aeon could Jesus' mother and the Holy Spirit. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barbelo ZinovievismisalsocalledBolshevizationism/Thoseofthemajorityizationandpartydespotism.TheSectarianInequalityParty/SocialistEqualityPartyisanevilrank-and-filecommitteesupportingZinovievist/Bolshevizationist/Thoseofthemajorityiszationist/partydespotleadershipfaction-gangsupportingsect.https://firebrand.red/2023/07/years-for-the-locust-part-two-leninism-deformed/AlexSteinercouldbegood.Or Alex Steiner could be evil. ExilioRojo thinks Alex Steiner is evil. https://www.reddit.com/r/TheTrotskyists/comments/lgxns0/on_brenner_and_steiner_infighting_in_the_icfi u/ExilioRojo avatar

    3 yr. ago
    "Abandonment of dialectics" is not a class analysis. When Trotsky polemicized against Shachtman, Burnham, and the rest about their renegacy on the Russian question, he did note that they abandoned a dialectical analysis of the Soviet Union. But he understood that this abandonment was facilitated by their social position as middle-class professors and intellectuals (as the splitters overwhelmingly were), who were intensely vulnerable to the outrage of the rest of the middle class in the US after the 1939 Hitler-Stalin pact. The Steiner/Brenner stuff shows that these SEP splinters can't even do a Marxist analysis of their own former organization, not to mention an analysis of current events and bigger historical questions.





    AlexSteiner could be a trade union supporting SectarianInequalityParty/SocialistEqualityPartyisanevilrank-and-filecommitteesupportingZinovievist/Bolshevizationist/partydespotleadershipfaction-gangsupportingSectarianInequalityParty/Socialist Equality Party splinter. I put good truthful sacred shamanistic comments on Alex Steiner's Permanent Revolution website. But the comments didn't appear in the comments section. Alex Steiner and Frank Brenner could be doing censorship. I put the comments in the descriptions of my certain photoshop art/predictive programming/glimpses of different universes in the multiverse. https://www.deviantart.com/lonecyborgwolf/art/Combination-Of-David-W-Green-David-NorthAndStalin-970666357 Zepar should be an orthodox Trotskyist/orthodox one world government,democracy supporting,and trade union supporting communist/socialist/eusocial being/Colonel Sandersist To summon Zepar: Lyan Ramec catya Zepar Veparcould be a Amburayan river mermaid. There's an Amburayan river mermaid who has a house in the Amburayan river. The mirrors in her home could be portals to Hell. Zepar should promote epoch rewilding like Pleistocene rewilding. The orthodox Trotskyists should put the plains zebra in the Turtle Islander/North American Zagaswe'iwe/Soviet/Council/Counseil Orthodox Trotskyist/Orthodox One World Government, Democracy, Trade Union Supporting Communist/Socialist/Eusocialist/Eusocial/Colonel Sandersist Republic.

    1. Alex Steiner could be a trade union supportingZinovievist/Bolshevizationist/partydespotleadershipfaction-gangsupportingSectarianInequalityParty/Socialist Equality Party splinter.

  64. Orthodox Trotskyism/orthodoxoneworldgovernmentanddemocracysupporting/tradeunion supporting communism/Steinerism/Brennerism/orthodox Marxism/Marxism/Firebrandism/Reedismtrade union supporting communism is good. is good. http://forum.permanent-revolution.org/p/about_5.html https://firebrand.red/about-us/Years for the Locust? Part One: The Myth of the Microsecthttps://firebrand.red/2023/06/years-for-the-locust-part-one-the-myth-of-the-microsect/
    This period saw Earth/Terra/Tellus abolish its Yaldabothian monarchy and evil Luciferian monarchy and adopt an orthodox Trotskyist/orthodox one world government and democracy supporting communist/orthodox one world government and democracy supporting socialist/trade union supporting communist/trade union supporting socialist form of government following two successive revolutions and a bloody civil war. The Placian Revolution can also be seen as the precursor for the other multiversal revolutions that occurred during or in the aftermath of the Placian War, such as the Seventh Heavenian Revolution.

    The Placian Warwas a Placian conflict. The vast majority of places including all of the great powers, fought as part of two opposing military alliances: the Allies and the Axis.

    The Allies' principal members were Evil Seventh Heaven, Evil Svarga, and Evil Trāyastriṃśa.

    The Underground Powers/Axis' principal members were Evil Hell, Evil Mount Meru/Sumeru/Shumisen, and Evil Naraka.

    Epoch rewilding, like Pleistocene rewilding, is also good.
    In the 2003, a domestic goat was to give birth to a Pyrenean ibex-goat hybrid. But then, the Pyrenean ibex-goat hybrid died. The orthodox Trotskyists should also use a domestic goat to give birth to Pyrenean ibex-goat hybrid. Then, the orthodox Trotskyists should put the Pyrenean ibex-goat hybrid in Orthodox Trotskyist France, Orthodox Trotskyist Portugal, Orthodox Trotskyist Spain and Orthodox Trotskyist Andorra to serve as a proxy for the Pyrenean ibex. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pleistocene_rewilding

    Alex Steiner is like Leon Trotsky. I wanted to do photoshop of Alex Steiner. Unfortunately, I can’t because when I copy a part of him, I can’t put it in another layer.

    Northism/rank-and-file committee sectarianism is evil. Fortunately, I can make photoshop art of a combination of David W. Green and Joseph Stalin. The combination of David W. Green and Joseph Stalin is called David W. Greelin, Joseph Norlin, and etc.

    Combination Of David W. Green/David NorthAndStalinhttps://www.deviantart.com/lonecyborgwolf/art/Combination-Of-David-W-Green-David-NorthAndStalin-970666357
    Also,thisphotoshopart/predictiveprogramming/glimpseofadifferentuniverseinthemultiverseisinmydocument.Sacred Shit: Mary Could Be A Skeksis-like Alpha Draconian, The White House Has Become The Red House, Combination of David W. Green/David North And Joseph Stalin, Combination Of My Friend Flying Ape The Corvid And A Gorilla, And EtcSacred Shit: Mary Could Be A Skeksis-like Alpha Draconian, The White House Has Become The Red House, Combination of David W. Green/David North And Joseph Stalin, Combination Of My Friend Flying Ape The Corvid And A Gorilla, And Etc (slideshare.net)

    Inanotheruniverseinthemultiverse,Manna-hata/NewYork is a Trotskyist/ExilioRojoist/Steinierist/Brennerist/trade union supporting communist/fertile free-thinking republic.

    Alex Steiner is the Premier of Trotskyist/ExilioRojoist/Steinierist/BrenneristManna-hata/NewYork.

    Mmishigama/Michigan is a Northite/sterile sectarian/rank-and-file committee supporting country. David Green/David North is the Premier of Northite/SectarianMmishigama/Michigan.


    Alex Steiner was born in Manna-hata/NewYork.

    Alex Steiner should support Pleistocene rewilding.

  65. The orthodox Trotskyists should put the giant bison/long-horned bison-Makan bison/American bison hybrid in Orthodox Trotskyist Manna-hata/New York.

    David W. Green/David North was born in Mmishigama/Michigan.

    David W. Green/David North should also support Pleistocene rewilding.

    The stag moose's closest relative is the roe deer/roe/western roe deer/Iruopean roe deer/SLUMILK’AJXEMK’OPean roe deer/European roe deer.

    The stag moose-roe deer hybrid should be put in Orthodox Trotskyist Mmishigama/Michigan to serve as a proxy for the stag moose.

    Kevin Galasinao (Google Account) – Sign Out
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    Chinese martial arts promotes qi.Blogger: Permanent Revolution - Post a Comment

    Japanese martial arts and Chinese martial arts should also promote orthodox Trotskyism/orthodox one world government and democracy supporting communism/trade union supporting communism/ExilioRojoism/Steinerism/Brennerism/Marxism.

  66. The orthodox Trotskyists should put the plains zebra in the Turtle Islander/North American Zagaswe'iwe/Soviet/Council/Counseil Orthodox Trotskyist/Orthodox One World Government, Democracy, Trade Union Supporting Communist/Socialist/Eusocialist/Eusocial/Colonel Sandersist Republic to serve as a proxy for Hagerman's horse.

    If Alex Steiner is evil, he's like Grigory Yevseyevich Zinoviev.
    Yaldaboath could be Belial. There could be one Hellion Illuminati. Since there's demons who are good and evil, the Hellion Illuminati is also called the Good and Evil Hellion Illuminati. Demons, like the demons in the Ars Goetia, should be orthodoxTrotskyists/orthodoxoneplacegovernment/oneworldgovernment,democracy,andtradeunionsupportingcommunists/socialists/eusocialbeings. Zepar,Alloces,Bathin/Nephthys,MurMur/Mathias,Buer,Forcas,Marax,Gaap,Marbas,Botiswanttofeedontheenergyofme,KevinLealJosephGalasinao.I'maVirgo.IwasbornonWednesday,August30,1995.Kimberly was also born on August 30. Kimberly Galasinao was born on August 30, 2003. Kimberly Galasinao is my sister. Zepar,Alloces,Bathin/Nephthys,MurMur/Mathias,Buer,Forcas,Marax,Gaap,Marbas,Botis feed on the energy of Kimberly Galasinao. Asmoday Pepito Galasinao was born on May 7 1961 Marcela Aquino Galasinao was born on February 1 1960 Marcela Aquino Galasinao is my mother. Pepito Galasinao is my father Marcy Galasinao is an Aquarius. Pepito Galasinao is a Taurus Marbas is associated with the Taurus. Marcela Aquino Galasinao is an Aquarius. Asmoday is associated with the Aquarius.LeonTrotsky/Lev Davidovich BronsteinisaLeo.LeonTrotsky/Lev Davidovich Bronsteinwasbornon November 07, 1879LerageisassociatedwiththeLeo.LeragewantedtofeedontheLeonTrotsky/Lev Davidovich Bronstein.JosephVissarionovichStalin/ Ioseb Besarionis dze JughashviliisaSagittarius. JosephVissarionovichStalin/ Ioseb Besarionis dze Jughashvili was born on December 6, 1878. AndrasisassociatedwiththeSagittarius.AndrasfedontheenergyofJosephVissarionovichStalin/Ioseb Besarionis dze Jughashvili. Kapre/agta/Sasquatch/Bigfeet will get to eat animals used to rewild the Orthodox Trotskyist/Eusocial/Colonel Sandersist Parishad/Soviet/Council Union like the golden takin.https://u.osu.edu/vanzandt/2018/04/18/predictive-programming/
    Paimon feeds on George Noory's energy.

  67. Evil economic system supporting humans, like evil capitalist/Smithists, have short attention spans.

  68. Unfortunately, most humans are a part of the cult of celebrities. Humans worship evil economic system supporting celebrities. Evil economic system supporting celebrities will immediately attract people's attention. That means that if you want to epoch rewilding, like Pleistocene rewilding, in evil economic system supporting countries, like evil capitalist/Smithist countries, you have use celebrities.

    Progressive liberal capitalist/Smithist Chris Hedges knows about the cult of celebrities.
    The Cult Of The Self - Sustainable Human District Of Columbia Telework Tutorial The Cult Of The Self Speaker Chris Hedges Theme Stories That Explain Our Unsustainable Society Topic Capitalism, Consumer Culture Why is worshipping celebrities so destructive to both ourselves and our world? About the video Transcript About the speaker Impact More info
    Sexy neoliberal centrist capitalist/Smithist Chris Hemsworth was used to put Tasmanian devils in capitalist/Smithist monarchist Uthuru/Australia.



  69. The Tasmanian devil is also called the Lutruwitan devil.

  70. So use neoliberal centrist capitalist/Smithist Seth Rogan to put the Hay's tapir capitalist Canada to serve

  71. I made a mistake. I wrote "So use neoliberal centrist capitalist/Smithist Seth Rogan to put the Hay's tapir capitalist Canada to serve"

    I should've wrote "So use sexy centrist neoliberal capitalist/Smithist Drake/Aubrey Drake Graham to put the mountain tapir in KanatianZagaswe'idiwin/Council/CounseilOrthodoxTrotskyist Republic/TrotskyistKanata/Warioist Canada/OneWorldGovernment,Democracy,AndUnionSupportingCommunist/Socialist/EusocialKanata/theCanadianCouncil/CounseilTrotskyistRepublicofCanada/TrotskyistCanada/Warioist Canada to serve as a proxy for Hay's tapir/the giant tapir.



  72. Also, a Trotskyist is called Trotskian.

    Also, celebrities, like Drake/Aubrey Drake Graham, should be orthodox Trotskyists/Trotskians/eusocial beings/Warioists.

    That means that if you want to do epoch rewilding, like Pleistocene rewilding, in the United Trotskyist/Eusocial States of the Places and evil economic system supporting countries, you have to use celebrities.

  73. Also, a Trotskyist is called a Trotskian.
